It takes a village...

There is no way that I could have seeded, grown nor sold 30,0000 plants this season without the most amazing family and friends who came to help me. 'Michigan Heirlooms' is 100% volunteer run and without them, well, there would be no 'we'.
Some come only for a day or two, some come in the beginning, some come in the middle and some come at the end when I am truly at my wits end. And several are there through it all. They step up. They don't quit. They stay until the wee hours of the night to pull the last of the orders. And still, they laugh and smile. They keep me from falling off the edge....
Alex A., Alex and James, Alex G., Brandon, Brenda, Carol, Cathy, Connie, Donna H., Donna P., John B., John C., Johnny, Jordan, Kim, Laura, Lorraine, Marilyn, Michael, Spencer, Tory, Vicki, Zack...
... THANK you.

A photographic journey from the beginning of the season to nearly the end...