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Bright red, meaty beefsteaks averaging between 8-12 ounces with all the classic old fashioned flavor - rich, sweet and complex.  Plants produce consistently all season and are fairly disease resistant.

HISTORY: Joe Bratka, of New Jersey (USA) found seed of this variety and several others in a glass jar in his shed that were his late father's creations. He was unsuccessful in germinating them and sent them to the late Dr. Carolyn Male, author of "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden.". She was successful in germinating them, and jointly offered them through Seed Savers Exchange.

I've grown this for several years now, from several different seed sources always trying to get closest to the 'source' as possible. In this case, my 3 seed sources were Bill Malin, Dan McMurray and Remy Ortello (about as close to the original source as you can get).

Sold in a 3.5" pot.

