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Clear yellow hearts! In the tomato world, there are many varieties that are called yellow but most of these are used loosely with the fruits really leaning towards paleish or orange. AliceAnn is truly yellow. 

Heavy fruits just under a pound each are extremely meaty with few seeds. Flavor is what you would expect from a great tasting mater - sweet, yet balanced acid.

Plants are tough as nails, yet scraggily indictative of the wispy-leaf foliage and definately require caging versus staking. Fruits hang on the vine forever without degradation - deepening in color by the third week (yes, they really don't degrade for that long).

HISTORY: In August of 2022 my friend's mom, Alice S. of Harsens Island, MI (age 85) wanted to show me something that she 'found' in her garden. That 'find' is the first picture above taken on her kitchen table. I immediately called it "Alice's Yellow Heart" but decided to call it AliceAnn as this is her given name and it is used endearingly by her daugter, my friend. I have grown almost a dozen plants since and it produced exactly the same fruits for me. 

Today, (December, 2024) I was at Alice's house and learned that she, too had inadvertantly grown it this past summer only hers were consistently half the size of the original. After much discussion and looking back at notes it appears that Alice's Yellow Heart is a bee-cross of some combination of Green Zebra (!!!), Yellow Pear and Oxheart - all from Alice's own saved seed so it really could be anything but her half-sized fruits were produced from her saved seed labeled Green Zebra.


Sold in a 3.5" pot.




    GROWTH HABIT: Indeterminate
    MATURITY: Mid-season
    LEAF TYPE: Regular; wispy leaved
    FRUIT CLASS: Paste
    FRUIT SHAPE: Heart
    FRUIT SIZE: Large
    FRUIT COLOR: Yellow
    ORIGIN: Unintentional bee-cross; Michigan, USA

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